In April of 2014, we searched Craigslist high and low for the perfect decommissioned ambulance to become our homemade camper, The Campbulance. The beautiful 1992 Ford e350 7.3 liter diesel found us in the form of two low-quality photos on Craigslist in Findlay, Ohio. After a few mishaps getting a deposit to the owner, we had secured our future Campbulance to be picked up by us in May. To make things interesting, after we flew into Detroit and got a ride down to Ohio from a good friend named Coleman, we decided to drive the Campbulance back to Colorado via New York City, Cape Cod and Vermont to see Christian's family.
What transpired was an adventure-filled ten day road trip across the country. Nothing gets the creative wheels turning quite like spending several unshowered days on the road in a blank slate of a vehicle just ripe for converting. As soon as we arrived back in Colorado, we started demolition and began the transformation. Since we both work seasonal jobs that don't allow much (if any) free time whatsoever when work is available, work on the conversion was slow-going and rare.
Below, you can check out our adventures traveling in the vehicle as well as photos of the conversion.